Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Passions and Courageous Choices

Passions are interesting.  I recall seeing a documentary about a guy who created an entire village in his basement.  He had spent thousands of hours of his adult life creating a working town in his own home.  In a way that is fascinating.  I can admire the dedication and diligence it took to spend years of his life to create that dream.  But, you have to admit.  It's also a little crazy.  Ok, very crazy.  At least I didn't marry him.

A lot of people are passionate about sports.  I enjoy sports.  I like watching games.  I can even watch them on TV, although I will admit that I always say that basketball should be a 1-minute game.  The thing is, I really do wish I could care more because it seems fun to know every statistic, every player and who won what game last night.  Those people are much more popular at the water cooler.  My brain just isn't wired that way.

So, does this mean I have no passion?  Probably not.  Recall, that I do really love strawberry, frosted Pop-Tarts.  I guess my passions are either just a little less shiny on the outside or I am fairly adept at keeping them hidden.  Or, maybe I am just plain dull.  That's it for sure.

(Wait, I did eat Chobani Passion Fruit yogurt for breakfast.  Very good stuff.  Does that make me passionate?  Yes, I thought so.)

So, yes, I am a passionate person.  That's my positive affirmation of the day.

I guess passions really come down to being true to who you are.  Being passionate about your friends and their lives, your family and career can be every bit as interesting as knowing whether the Devil Rays beat the Angel's last Saturday.  And, arguably, even more so.

What got me thinking about all of this?  I just watched the Founder of Twitter's recent commencement speech where he talked about doing what you love and making courageous choices regardless of the consequences...the underlying message, do what you love and the money will follow.  Although the parents of every starving artist in LA may disagree, I think he's absolutely right.  Life is too short to not follow your passion.  Now, to just find one!  ;)